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Leavesden Green JMI School and Nursery

Xtra Time Breakfast Club

This club is for Leavesden Green School children only.

Available from 8am each morning providing a full healthy breakfast and free playtime. Please contact Xtra Time further details including a registration form.

Xtra Time Bookings

Supervising children coming to Breakfast Club

All parents/carers have a responsibility to ensure that their child arrives at breakfast club safely. This means ensuring that your child is in school and at breakfast club. Entrance to the club is via the main entrance.  Parents must accompany their child to the club to be registered.  No child should be dropped off outside school and left to come into school on their own.

Parents and children should walk along the footpath from Tots – the main gates are not safe as staff are arriving for work. We have had several instances where children have had near accidents as they walked through the middle of the car park.

The car park should not be used by parents for the same reason.

Please keep your children safe and follow the above guidance.