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Leavesden Green JMI School and Nursery


We teach every child in every class at the start of every term the skills of Protective Behaviours. Protective behaviours is a framework for personal safety. This is very different from ‘lock your doors’, restrictive approach to personal safety - it is dynamic, confidence building, empowering approach that links safety with having adventures and taking risks.


We all have the right to feel safe all the time. With that right comes a responsibility not to do anything that would leave other people feeling unsafe and we can identify if we are feeling unsafe or unsafe by turning into our early warning signs - those things that happen in our body like butterflies in our stomach, wobbly knees etc. that let us know we do not feel OK in a particular situation.  And if we get those ‘early warning signs’, Protective Behaviours encourages us to think clearly about what our options are and work out what action we might need to take. That action might be to contact somebody on a support network.

Protective Behaviours Slide

Protective Behavious Video - Week 1