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Leavesden Green JMI School and Nursery


Life would be flat without music. It is the background to all I do. It speaks to the heart in its own special way like nothing else.

Ludwig Van Beethoven


Music is a global language that expands across every culture, race and identity. It crosses borders and can bring people together in a way that allows freedom of expression, emotion and passion. 

The music curriculum, here at Leavesden Green, allows children to explore and immerse themselves in music as a universal way of self-expression. Children dive into the exhilarating world of both modern and historical music, becoming exposed to its many genres and develop an appreciation for all aspects of music. Children learn to perform, compose, improvise, evaluate and appreciate with a growing determination and confidence as they progress through the school.

Our music curriculum

We celebrate diversity and Music is an opportunity to develop a culture of appreciation for others. Our curriculum allows children to explore music styles from not only western music but from around the world. Below is just a small selection of some of the exciting variety of musical styles that children at all ages are exploring and developing a strong musical appreciation for. 

Musical styles

Music as a subject

We allow children to explore very aspect of music from understanding the musical styles place in a historical context, to being able to perform and demonstrate a wide variety of musical techniques. We approach the teaching of music in a structured way that provides familiarity to the children and allows them retrieve knowledge successfully and expand on their ever growing knowledge of music.  

In this session, children are introduced to the new musical style and where it fits in history. Children delve deeper into a musical feature and recognise key musical aspects of that style. The musical features that were learned about in previous sessions are explored through practical means.


continue to explore musical features that are prominent for the musical style through various activities.

This session allows children the opportunity to compose music in a variety of ways including: graphic notation, music technology and traditional notation. Whether on instruments, body percussion or music technology, children have the opportunity to perform to demonstrate the knowledge they have gained throughout the unit.

A gallery of music at Leavesden

Photos coming soon!

Songs we are listening to

Singing assembly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ah_Yf7ey1Q