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Leavesden Green JMI School and Nursery


At Leavesden Green, we strive for every child to learn the importance of different languages and cultures, and be given the tools needed to communicate effectively and meaningfully with others across the school, and in the wider community. Children can access French through both written and spoken methods, and are excited to share their understanding of French. Children enjoy their journey of developing a passion and love for learning another language.

French Phonics

We begin every lesson with ten minutes of phonics, as we recognise the importance this has in recognising and pronouncing vocabulary accurately and confidently.

When learning new vocabulary, we continuously refer back to our phonics learning, and encourage children to independently use this to support their understanding and pronunciation. We have recently invested in new French phonics books which align closely with our curriculum, which we are excited to begin implementing into our lessons.

Our French Curriculum

We place emphasis on learning French through a range of communicative, listening and translation activities.

We engage our learners by making every session meaningful, interactive and enjoyable, through the use of games, projects, group conversations, listening to French speakers and songs.

Our learners understand the importance of other languages and cultures, and they are excited to build on their knowledge in every lesson.

We focus on the following topics:

Autumn Term Spring Term

Summer Term

Numbers/All about Me

Places Food/Drink

French Curriculum at Leavesden

Learning Mat Examples